
Japanese kanji chart for 1st grade of elementary school students in Japan.

I have posted variety kinds of kanjis, and you can see many kanjis on the internet. But it might be tricky to you. So I am introducing you the chart below, which indicates all kanjis 1st grade of Japanese elementary school students. 1st grade of students study 80 kanji in a year through homework, kakitori that I posted about on the previous article, [Tool] The way to practice Japanese Kanji in school in Japan.

kanji chart for 1st grade of elementary school students in Japan

The number of kanji we learn

The number of kanjis which we study in a year increases every time the grade goes up. In total we study over 2,000 kanjis in a compulsory education. Honestly speaking, I can’t believe that our brain remembers more than 2,000 kanjis, but surely we wrote down kanjis in a kakitori notebook every single day. One difficulty is that, we sometimes come across a kanji symbol that we have already learnt but it has other meaning or pronunciation. We didn’t study all the meaning and pronunciation at a time, and it made us confused.

1st grade Kanji symbols which are already posted on my blog

I am thinking to introduce a kanji from this chart for a while because these kanjis are the easiest ones of all kanjis. I don’t know I will keep it until finishing though. Some of them are already posted on my blog.

How many kanjis on the cart above do you know? The kanji chart should be read top-left to bottom-right, which are ordered by pronunciation, so-called あいうえお順. If you memorize 10 kanjis in a week, you can finish all in 2 months. It would be a good specific goal to study Japanese. Also do please care the pronunciation because a kanji has some pronunciation.

Be careful to okurigana when you study kanjis

The alphabets in brackets are called 送り仮名(おくりがな:okurigana). This is tricky too. We sometimes forget it and look it up on dictionary or check it by typing. Typing is very easy but it is not suitable to memorize kanjis. So in this computer-based working style, we frequently forget kanji, okurigana, and so on. Don’t get nervous to keep kanjis in your brain too much because we, Japanese, also forget. Repeatedly speaking, the only way to memorize kanjis is just to write down again and again. I think this chart would be a textbook for you to study kanji first. Hope it helps.

Japanese, kanji, chart


  1. Hi! I'm Indonesian highschoolar, and I study Japanese at school. Your post is really helping. Thank you for posting it :)

  2. Why are all the kanji mixed up? Like the numbers are not in order.

  3. Can you please post more...until grade 4?

  4. i m a beginer new student of japanse,, if a kanji word has multiple pronounciations ,, then can the word be spoken in the multiple way ? or only specific pronounciation is allowed in specific sentence?

  5. bro write down the hiragana also, all the meaning in hiragana
